Analysis of the Large Demand in the Domestic Refrigerator Market

Due to the large demand of the domestic refrigerant market, domestic smart distributors have been unable to hold back. The 12th Five-Year Plan's support and guidance for the environmental protection and energy conservation industry is now the golden time to grasp the refrigerant replacement.......

Wide application of flotation in mineral processing industry

Flotation is an efficient separation process. The development of various types of flotation reagents and the specific use in production practice, as well as the new development of flotation process, greatly improve the efficiency of flotation, and expand the applica.......

How much can you save every family with LED bulbs for 10 years?

This is a good idea: switching to LED bulbs can help a typical American family save about $1,000 over a 10-year period, about $8.33 a month. The Consumers Association of America (CFA) recently conducted a consumer survey that focused on illuminating residential space and found that typical Amer.......

In 2013, China Shipbuilding Power Transformation achieved breakthrough

In 2013, CSSC Power Co., Ltd. made a breakthrough in comprehensive transformation and development. The major economic indicators exceeded the number of diesel engines in the company's headquarters. The total number of diesel engines produced in the company reached 585,000 kilowatts, the hig.......