The future development of new energy vehicles

The future development of new energy vehicles

On January 4, 1886, the German Carl Bentz received the first patent for the manufacture of internal combustion engine cars. Since then, humans have entered the era of automobiles. Automobiles provide convenience for humans, but traditional petroleum fuels also cause serious pollution to the environment of the earth. Accelerating the research and development of new energy vehicles is an urgent task.

Solar cars: Solar cars use solar panels for energy storage and energy supply. They can provide energy for cars in cloudy and snowy days. They are currently not mass-produced, but with the current development of large-capacity panels, their commissioning dates will not be met. Too far away.

Electric vehicles: Pure electric vehicles are vehicles that use batteries as energy storage units and are driven by motors. They are referred to as true "green cars." For the current battery technology level, the large-scale production conditions for small four-wheeled pure electric vehicles are already available and can be used as short-distance transport or taxis. Large-scale pure electric vehicles are mainly used in special occasions, such as airport shuttle buses and urban scheduled buses.

Hybrid cars: Hybrid cars are cars that are powered by two or more energy stores, energy sources, or converters. Hybrid power unit can not only exert the advantages of long-lasting engine work and good dynamic performance, but also can take advantage of the motor's non-pollution and low noise. Both can learn from each other and increase the thermal efficiency of the vehicle by more than 10%; at the same time, exhaust emissions can be reduced by more than 30%. So as to protect the environment.


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