Mercedes-Benz drives full-time riot police multi-purpose truck

Mercedes-Benz Multipurpose Truck

Whenever Mercedes-Benz is mentioned, everyone may think of a comfortable, luxurious car, but Mercedes-Benz also has a lot of accomplishments in large-scale multi-purpose trucks. Here we first introduce Mercedes-Benz and a Lussenpoliya International company WaWe10 large trucks, using all-wheel drive technology, and equipped with a maximum power of 304Kw turbo diesel engine.

The appearance of the Mercedes-Benz WaWe10 large multi-purpose truck looks like a Decepticon. After adding a high-pressure water gun that releases 6 tons of water per minute, it becomes a powerful weapon for the explosion-proof police.

Mercedes-Benz explosion-proof police truck

The interior design of the Mercedes-Benz WaWe10 large multi-purpose truck is also relatively comfortable, providing a comfortable working environment for riot police. The refrigerator equipped inside the car can provide and store various foods. In addition, the Mercedes-Benz WaWe10 large multi-purpose truck is priced at $1.3 million.

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