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  采用长搓丝板及微调装置,调整刀具方便,机械手自动上下料,电气控制采用数控系统控制,可以适用于我公司多品种罗拉生产 。价格只有进口同类产品的五分之一,性能接近或达到进口轧丝机水平。性能在某些方面换超过它们,机电一体化程度高,生产效率高,可与进口设备相媲美,可顶替进口设备。DY43型罗拉搓丝机不仅提高了罗拉产品质量水平,还大大减轻了工人的劳动强度,提高了生产率。

SMT Stencil Cleaning Machine Suitable for cleaning all kinds of stencils such as steel mesh, copper mesh, microporous mesh.Also suitable for the cleaning of circuit boards, fixtures, scrapers and other similar products and appliances. The SMT Stencil Cleaning Machine  high-density isobaric double-side rotary cleaning nozzle has strong cleaning power and does not damage the tension of the stencil.

Automatic Pneumatic Stencil Cleaning Machine Smt Cleaner 1

Product Features:
• The structure and volume of the whole machine are small, saving users space;
• Modular structural design makes it easy for users to maintain the machine;
• Provide a standard ground connection to effectively discharge static electricity;
• The whole machine is fully compliant with EU CE requirements for MD, LVD, and EMC directives.

SMT Stencil Cleaning Machine

ROC Precision Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd , https://www.electronic-smt.com