How to use a network camera

The convenience of network cameras is probably only understood by those who have used it. The emergence of network cameras has brought great convenience to public security work. However, it is not uncommon for security work to cause many problems recently due to improper use of network cameras. How to use the network camera? Today I will introduce 3 common ways of using the network camera to everyone.
1. The general network camera is plugged into an Internet cable, connected to the switch, and then connected to the router from the switch. Any computer on the local LAN can retrieve this camera through the customer's collection. If you want to be remote, you need to apply for a dynamic domain name. Bind the dynamic domain name to the camera, then open the corresponding port of the camera on the router, and you can access it remotely. Some network camera manufacturers support IE browser and streaming media playback. You don't need to download the plug-in. Just enter the camera IP number in IE browser to browse.
2. Some network cameras support the function of traversing the firewall. The method of use is basically the same as the above, but there are two steps. Instead of applying for a dynamic domain name and an open port, you can directly enter the serial number of the machine through the client to watch it.
3. Some network camera manufacturers have applied for a dynamic domain name when they leave the factory. You can directly enter the serial number of the machine through the client.
Only when the network camera is used correctly can its real functions be brought into play, especially the cameras that need to perform security work. If the security method is used incorrectly and the security work fails, it will pay more.

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