Bike Lane Bike Lane uses RFID technology to speed up service

Bike Lane, the largest bicycle sales and service company in Houston, is expanding its RFID solutions to track maintenance and bicycle for sale. Herb Beimgraben, co-owner of Bike Lane, said the company began tracking new bicycles using RFID technology in warehouses from 2013 onwards, which has helped to increase sales and reduce staff time spent on inventory searches. TracerPlus RFID technology is provided by PTS. Bike Lane is a Houston family business that sells and repairs bicycles and their accessories. However, due to its limited space, the company needed to stocked boxed stock in tight warehouses, making it difficult for employees to find the stock they needed. The store has 8,000 square feet of store and storage area and 300 to 400 new bicycles in eight 30-foot shelves in the storage area. The size of a bike's outer box is about 6 feet by 1 foot by 3 feet and varies in style, size and color. Beimgraben said: "We use every square meter of space." The assembler in the store is responsible for finding the bike needed before packing. This process was previously manual and took a long time. In addition, consumers sometimes want to see bike models not shown on the facade, which requires that employees look for it in the warehouse. Before an RFID system was deployed, it meant that employees needed to search through the warehouse for the labels they wanted and find the labels they sought. This process can take 15 to 30 minutes. When the store is busy, this time-consuming is basically unacceptable. So four years ago, Beimgraben started looking for a solution and eventually chose the TracerPlus system, which uses handheld readers, RFID tags and applications to collect and retrieve data in-store. Using the TracerPlus RFID tagging solution, shop personnel will attach an EPC UHF RFID tag with a unique ID number to the case and record label and bike information on paper. In this way, the company recorded warehouse bike information. When employees look for boxes, they need to enter the ID number into the Zebra Technologies MC9190-Z RFID reader. Then, the reader enters Geiger counter mode. Then, employees just need to carry the card reader into the storage area, as the reader approaches the label, the sound becomes louder. This allows employees to find the right item in just a few seconds. Now, if a consumer wants a bicycle model not shown in the store, it will take only a short time for the employee to find it. Beimgraben said the store is working on ways to expand the use of technology because the system is performing well. Currently, the company has used labels for bicycle repair tools and bicycle repair. Often, stores place 20 to 30 bicycles in the service area. Sometimes, the customer calls to ask about the status of the bicycle repair or to ask for a change of color of the handle or tape. By using the handheld reader, workers can quickly find a particular bike, update customers, or change work orders.