Reduce system cost and help popularize LED home smart lighting

LED home lighting can be divided into two levels. One is to replace the traditional 40W/60W incandescent/fluorescent bulb. In this respect, the consumer's demand is mainly based on price and energy saving effect; on the other hand, it is a new design. LED lamps, such as living room pat.......

Bulk feed carriers - Part 2: Technical conditions

China Automotive Network bulk feed trucks are listed in the China Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Bulk Feed Transport Vehicles Automotive Bulletin All 3 Categories 5 Manufacturers 5 Bulk Feed Carrier Brands 58 Bulk Feed Carriers Product .......

Stop at the Super Ambulance

China Automotive Network ambulances are listed in the China Ministry of Industry and Information Technology ambulance car announcement all 9 categories 105 manufacturers 93 ambulance brands 1373 ambulance product information, the latest ambulance announ.......